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13 October 13:42
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Connecting to a Proxy Server in Incogniton

1. Creating a Proxy Server Address in ASocks

Open the ASocks web-page and enter your account using a sign in form. If you do not have an account on ASocks, create one and use it for entering the service. Press the Get started button.

Note: the HTTP and Socks5 protocols are supported.

Once you have entered your account, check the balance. It should be positive to get a connection: the minimum balance should not be lower than 0,5 USD. However, for a stable and reliable connection a user may refill the balance by clicking the Balance tab on the left-side menu, and by pressing the Top up button. 

If required, enter the desired amount to pay, press the Continue button and follow the instructions on the screen. The minimum accepted amount of payment should not be less than 3 (three) USD.

Go to the Generate Proxy port tab on the left-side menu and click it. The corresponding window should open. Choose the preferred country, and optionally you may select the state and city from the drop-down lists. ASN is an optional parameter as well, and is used by the advanced users for receiving a proxy from the preferred autonomous system.

Select Proxy settings by setting a checkbox for the preferred option:

  • Keep proxy (default option) - the option is used when the proxy server operates until the connection is lost due to the death of the proxy server and/or IP-address. In case of disconnection, the system should automatically restore the connection, but it usually takes time.
  • Keep connection - the option provides immediate reconnection which is almost invisible for a user in case of connection loss and/or a proxy server death. The system automatically replaces the dead proxy server with an alive one by choosing it from the list of available proxies.

A user can choose any of the options. For the advanced users having a high demand in a stable connection, the keep connection option is recommended.

Choose the Authorization method:

  • Password authorization (default option) - this option allows a user’s authorization on any IP-address by using the generated password.
  • Whitelist with password - the option requires addition of a user’s IP-address into ASocks whitelist, and it allows connection to a proxy server by using the generated password.
  • Whitelist or password - the option requires addition of a user’s IP-address into ASocks whitelist, and it allows choosing the connection method: either by whitelist or by the generated password
  • Whitelist authorization - the option requires addition of a user’s IP-address into ASocks whitelist, and the authorization is performed by entering the generated password into the browser settings.

Note: to get included into the ASocks whitelist, it is required to save a user’s actual IP-address on the ASocks service settings. Open the Whitelist tab located on the left-side menu, and the IP Whitelist window should appear.

The current IP-address should be automatically displayed in a corresponding box. A user may give a name of the IP-address by completing the description box, but this feature is optional. 

Note: if an IP-address has not been automatically detected by the system, check your public IP via one of the web-services, such as https://www.whatismyip.com, and enter the data into the IP box. 

Press the Add button, so the IP should be automatically included in the ASocks whitelist and displayed in the list.

Once the user’s IP has appeared in the ASocks whitelist, authorization methods using the Whitelist option are available. 

A user can choose the most suitable authorization option by clicking it.

Once all the required parameters have been set up, click the Create ip:port button, and the dialog window containing the IP-address and login should open. The proxy password is not available only for the Whitelist Authorization option.

Copy the generated data and enter it into the corresponding boxes (IP-address and IP-port) of the browser settings that you are currently using.

2. Connecting to a Proxy Server in Incogniton

Go to the Incogniton anti-detect browser and login the account. If you do not have an account on Incogniton yet, create an account by completing the registration form and sign in.

Press the Download Incogniton tab, download and install the application by running the .exe file and following the instructions on a screen.

Open the Profile management tab by clicking the left sidebar and create a new profile by pressing the New profile button located on the right top.

The left-side menu should change. Select the Proxy tab and click it. The Proxy window should open.

Select the Connection type by expanding the drop-down list.

Enter the credentials generated by the ASocks service into the corresponding fields: IP-address, port, username and password (if required).

Press the Check proxy button. In case of successful connection, notification confirming the connection to a proxy server should appear in the center of the window. Press the Create profile button on the right side.

If connection to the proxy failed, a message notifying the unsuccessful connection should appear. Check the correctness of the entered credentials and repeat the request or try a new proxy.

All the created profiles should be displayed in the All profiles section. To view the profile details, click the selected profile.

To connect the web-source, press the Start button in front of the preferred profile, and the Browser window should. To terminate the session, close the web-page and check the profile status. 

The available proxy-servers should be marked with a green tick. The unavailable or failed proxy servers are marked with a red cross, and can be deleted.


Written by Daria ASocks

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